Posts tagged egalitarianism
Equality with Difference - Like Chalk and Cheese?

Sadly, the suppression of a woman’s equality in our broken world prevailed. But, since the explosion of the feminist doctrine onto world history, equality now trumps difference! Women certainly needed a redressing of that cursed imbalance… but the pendulum has swung so far in the other direction, that women are once more in a precarious position. We want to begin a conversation about why equality without difference is dangerous for women. It is a tale of two equalities: cultural equality and Biblical equality.

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The Challenge of Feminism (1): Should We Call Ourselves Feminists?

The New York Times magazine labelled 2015 as “the year we obsessed about identity”, and it’s an obsession that isn’t finished yet. Answers to questions of personal identity—‘Who am I’ and ‘What do I identify as’—are now shaping public discourse, and increasingly the answers are expressed in labels. And one of the labels people are obsessing over is whether or not to be a feminist.

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Review: Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood

Perhaps because my reading coincided with the recent debates in the worldwide Anglican Communion and the Uniting Church of Australia about homosexual and lesbian clergy, or perhaps because I am a Christian woman living in a feminist (or post-feminist) society, I found Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood one of the most rewarding books I have read for a while.

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