One-to-one women’s ministry

Of all of the ministries out there, one-to-one women’s ministry is one of my favourites. I’ve sat at cafeteria tables and coffee shops and seen women move from death to life before my eyes! I’ve seen women who thought that God could never, ever love them suddenly become secure in his love and grace shown in the cross. One-to-one ministry is one of the most powerful ministries there is, and it is amazing to be part of what God is doing in women’s lives.

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Review: Different by Design

Different by Design encompasses six talks by Claire Smith on the role of women in the church and in relationships. These talks are based on six important but controversial Bible passages: 1 Timothy 2, 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Corinthians 14, 1 Peter 3, Ephesians 5 and Genesis 1-3. The two of us met to discuss the talks over a period of weeks, and found it to be an enriching experience for our relationship with God, with each other and with the local coffee shop.

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Review: Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood

Perhaps because my reading coincided with the recent debates in the worldwide Anglican Communion and the Uniting Church of Australia about homosexual and lesbian clergy, or perhaps because I am a Christian woman living in a feminist (or post-feminist) society, I found Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood one of the most rewarding books I have read for a while.

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Review: The Trinity and Subordinationism

Australian Anglican Kevin Giles has attempted many things in his recent book The Trinity and Subordinationism: The Doctrine of God and the Contemporary Gender Debate. Primarily, he alleges that those who argue that God the Son is eternally subordinate (or in submission to) God the Father are saying that God the Son is inferior to God the Father and so are guilty of heresy...

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